Friday, February 24, 2017

The Media is Not the Enemy

Jonah Goldberg writes in the National Review that while the media has played a major role in influencing the judgement and opinions of their viewership, President Trump's typical blasting-from-the-hip style attacks are unwarranted and unnecessary. He prefaces his commentary with Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, and her recent comment on how it is the press' job, not the President's, to "control exactly what people think". While Mr. Goldberg believes that it was a simple mistake on word play and not a slip of the evil master plan of the media, Ms. Brzezinski certainly caused a stir among Republicans and Conservatives.

I applaud Mr. Goldberg's integrity as he calls out the President for his gross generalizing, but the media isn't off the hook. After all, a portion of voters who got Trump elected were tired of being ignored, belittled, and lectured for the past eight years under Obama. Reporters hardly gave Obama any obstacles or tough questions, and when the Right did, they were branded as bigots, racists, etc. Now we have reporters wondering why the Right isn't asking tough questions to Trump.

The political Right see this hypocrisy. President Trump's election has showed the world that they have had enough.

Goldberg goes on to describe how the fat cats who own many news outlets, including his own, have set directives to censor or change certain statements, such as "illegal immigrants", but instead have to use the more PC term "undocumented citizens". The main focus right after Inauguration Day has been all over the Russian "hacking" of the election, despite the laughter and mocking served to Trump up to the point when he won. What a three-sixty. The media specializes to use wordplay to spin the story, but that doesn't mean the facts have changed.

Overall, the article pointed out many failings of the media. Certainly the President nor the Republican controlled Congress are above reprieve. I feel it's time that both sides were fair on reporting the FACTS, because the people are losing trust in them very quickly. But the more heavy Left news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, HuffPo, and all the rest continue to go down the road of dividing instead of reconciliation, then the trust gap will only continue to widen. This is America, for God's sake, and people have the right to different opinions! While it may be different than yours, everyone has the right to speak their mind. The mainstream media had better wake up to this fact, or they will remain the enemy of many.

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